Water Stories and Feasting

A group of enthusiastic storytellers and listeners gathered in the seaside beach suburb of Manly on Sunday 12th of November to share an afternoon of storytelling and delicious treats. Our theme for the day was WATER and the stories did flow. 

We were taken from family bath time rituals to holiday beach time frolics. There were times of fear, comfort and courage with stories of seeking refuge in safe places from frightening rainstorms whether they be in the suburbs or the deep forest. Rugged convict ship journey’s to a newly settled southern colony revealed surprising information for family history. We traversed the globe with folktales from Europe and the Australian bush billabong along with a number of anecdotes in between.

Not only did we enjoy the stories, we also feasted on delicious treats. This was more than a ‘High Tea’, it was a banquet of delectable delights that included: savoury fish, meat and vegetable tarts; dips, nuts and olives; fruitcake, scones with jam and cream, strawberry muffins,  blueberry slice, banana bread, mango slice, rumballs and other mouth watering decadence.

After such a feast we decided that one of our next afternoons of storytelling should be themed ‘Food’.

Thank you to all who told stories to nourish our creative spirits and special gratitude to Sue Alvarez our host and cook extraordinaire!