Conference Postponed until June 2021

Conference Postponed until June 2021

Sydney International Storytelling Conference 2020


The worldwide impact of the Covid-19 virus is calling for a strong and sensible response. We reluctantly, yet wisely announce that the ‘Weaving Stories Together’ - Sydney International Storytelling Conference will not go ahead this year and is postponed until June 2021.

We have been able to secure the dates June 4-6 at the same venue for next year - 2021.

It was with great anticipation that we were moving towards a wonderful conference experience. The program promised an exciting range of workshops and performances as well as cultural exchange and networking. The conference program, workshop descriptions and bios of presenters are on this website if you wish to view what was being offered. Check the Green buttons on the Conference page.

We appreciate all the energy, effort and enthusiasm the presenters and our organising committee have given in preparing for the conference.

What is the good news? We intend to offer the same program next year and hope that you would be happy to support us again next year.

Please put the dates June 4-6, 2021 in your diaries.

Holiday Tales

Holiday Tales

Our last ‘Lunch and Tales’ for 2019 was filled with celebration and laughter. ‘Holidays’ was the theme for the storytelling lunch. There were many anecdotes and little tales of awesome and challenging holiday experiences at all the tables. A newcomer said “ I have never been to a restaurant that is so alive and hopping with energy!” Yet we know when you put a group of storytellers and story listeners together there is bound to be a resonance and vibrancy of words and laughter as one story leads to another. …

Dark Enchantment

Dark Enchantment

Dark Enchantment 2019 was a joint event held by the Sydney Fairy Tale Ring and the NSW Storytelling Guild on 16 November.

A delightful concert/seminar presenting four different fairy tales through different versions of the stories, with introductions to the history and various interpretations, it opened up these tales to a much deeper understanding for our shared communities.

Good Food, Good Stories - What an Afternoon!

Good Food, Good Stories - What an Afternoon!

There was a great collection of people and many stories over two September weekends at “Lunch and Tales” on the Northern Beaches. “It was such great fun. I so enjoyed it ... a quality of story that reminded me of ‘family’ time.” was one participant’s response to joining with others for food and community storytelling.

What sort of stories were told? Stories from ……

President's Report

President's Report

President’s Report 2018-2019 Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson

The 2019 Guild year began with a questionnaire, painstakingly put together by the Vice President, Michael Patterson, to all our members. We were very happy that so many of our members took the time to fill it out and send through their ideas. The results of the questionnaire were looked at in detail at our Visioning and Planning Day.

Hot Pot Storytelling

Hot Pot Storytelling

A nourishing day of storytelling with a skills development workshop, AGM, the traditional telling of Stone Soup~with soup and Tales Told Live.

Our morning workshop was a lively affair with Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson warming us up with the energetic Amazing Alliteration Name Game. Then we enjoyed a few rounds of Ear to Ear,with Michael Patterson, practicing our storytelling listening skills with hilarious results. Jill Webster then had us embodying our inner witches and practicing the art of transformation. Christine Carlton exercised our imaginations, our listening skills, as well as our story creation skills with a fun round of That’s Right. Sue Alvarez ran the group through their paces with Emoting Storytelling Statues before Lindy finished with a Storytelling Gestures Exercise and discussion.

Lunch and Tales - an afternoon to delight in stories and food.

Lunch and Tales - an afternoon to delight in stories and food.

Within the last month we have had two afternoons of ‘Lunch and Tales. Both were wonderful and popular days of good food and great stories.

Our welcoming hosts Christine Carlton and Sue Alvarez invited us into the world of story and conversation by starting the days with traditional tales and later entertained us with personal stories. 

The exciting aspect of this event is the invitation for anyone to share a story, a true or tall tale or a traditional or contemporary fiction or perhaps an historical story or small anecdote. The theme of ‘Travelling Tales’ was broad enough to ….

Blue Mountains Story Circle

Blue Mountains Story Circle

The Blue Mountains Story Circle recently held its second meeting. All present were welcomed to the BM Story Circle, under the auspices of the Australian Storytelling Guild, run by Jill and Kiran to provide an opportunity for Blue Mountain storytellers to share their craft, resources and learn from one another through stories and discussions….

Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there was a Kingdom hidden deep within a lush valley where a fire breathing dragon turned the very rock to molten steel. It was here, at the centre of the dragon's lair, that the clans would gather each year at the changing of the season when the leaves streamed red and gold from the trees, and the breeze scattered their richness across the land.

This magical valley was called The Kingdom of Ironfest.